MOUNTAIN BIKING: Santee Lakes To Sycamore Canyon



This route appears to be primarily used as a connector between the city of Santee and the <a href=''>Sycamore Canyon/Goodan Ranch trails.</a> With the inclusion of the many spurs, and the pleasant singletracks that were reportedly cut after the recent fires, it rivals the majority of SC/GR with the exception of Martha's Grove and the ridge trails.

Please note that there are many no-trespassing signs along the route. According to locals and the guidebook these are not to prevent access, but merely to keep you on the main trails. (*See warning below)

From the trailhead just west of the intersection of Mast and Medina, at the end of the sidewalk, head north paralleling Santee Lakes following the most heavily tracked trails. Just past the powerlines, cross a ravine (may or may not be wet) and continue northward, between the hill and the lakes. Shortly after the water treatment plant at the northernmost lake, the terraing begins to pick up some trees. Continue north either on the main trail (east fork) or the singletrack (west) Please note again the warning below - don't venture East of the lakes...
Continue north until you reach the gate to <a href=''>Sycamore Canyon/Goodan Ranch</a> Total out and back distance to the gate along the main trail is ~11 miles (5.7 o-w)

*Warning - truck trails on the east side of Santee Lakes appear to be off limits. No entry/exit is available short of a vandalized fence, and signs are not friendly. Please avoid the east side of the lake without special permission.


From Hwy 52 Eastbound or 125 Northbound, take the Mast Blvd Exit in Santee. Head east on Mast and locate parking near the intersection of Mast and Medina. Parking may be available at West Hills high school. Santee Lakes (day use and camping) is also nearby.